mercoledì 10 dicembre 2014
VmWare Player disable beep
Did you try to install something like CentOS onto VmWare player and noticed that every time you are pressing a key in the wrong time you got a really annoying "beep" ?
For example you start writing a file name and press TAB key to autocomplete it, but if no file is found you get a beep.
I often work during the night on my pc and I really don't want to disturb everybody with all these beeps, so I want to disable it!
Luckly I found this is very simple to obtain, you just need to:
1. turn off every VmWare Player virtual machine already running
2. go to "%programdata%\VMware\VMware Player" folder , on Windows7 %programdata% is "C:\ProgramData" so the full path is C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Player""
3. edit (notepad) the file "config.ini"
4. find and change, or add, the line:
mks.noBeep = "TRUE"
5. save the file and start the VmWare Player virtual machine, it should be silent now
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