martedì 4 marzo 2014
Disable Skype integration in (web mail)
*** Sorry, This is not working anymore ***
do you hate the new Skype integration in like me?
For me Skype and the mails are two different things, I don't want to mix them up, if I want to chat or talk I open Skype, if I open is because I need to write or read some mail end of the story.
If you think like me, then this is what I did :
open the file
go to the end and insert this line:
That line simply means, when sombody on this pc will search for the ip address of "" return the dummy ip address instead, and as for sure the skype service is not on that IP address nobody will answer and skype integration will not work.
Save the file, the effect is immediate.
The effect of this is that when try to connect to that address (for skype integration) it will fail and no integration will be available, voilà problem solved
To be honest I'm just testing this now, so not sure if there is some coutereffect, but until now it seems good.
I also tried to start Skype client and it seems everything is working fine there.
If you want to get back to the original situation just open the file again and remove that line or comment it putting a # in front of the line and save the file.
(or, if it's not an issue for you, you can disconnect microsoft account from skype account and then login to skype using the skype account, this way in you'll not see skype automatically connected anymore)